Friday, March 18, 2005

What have I done?

I set myself a deadline of St. Patrick's Day as my mailing date for the Shadows manuscript. But I have a daughter who is an Irish Dancer, and she was busy all day. She was on TV. She made an appearance at a mayor's office with her troupe. She danced at three different venues in the afternoon. I'm just grateful she wasn't in the Advanced group who had to dance in the evening as well. I should never have set St. Patrick's Day as my deadline--I don't know what I was thinking. But I will have the manuscript mailed out within the next two days. By Saturday at the latest.

I never said I always set realistic goals--just ambitious ones. If I was a gaming character, would Overconfidence be one of my quirks? And if so, how many points is it worth?

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone.

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